Indeed, a splendid time was had by all. Many concentrated faces and ears focused on the incredibly subtle differences betwixt 25th Street’s Klaus Heyne modded 1st-generation AKG C24 and Vanguard Audio’s new V24 stereo tube microphone.

The Klaus Heyne C24 Power Supply and Pattern Selector of the gen1 C24.
Many thanks and wonderfulness to Jeremy Goody of Goody Sound Studios (engineer), Bob Crawford (Pianist), Brian Moran (guitarist), and 25th Street’s awesome crew, Gabriel and Colin.

Engineer Jeremy Goody at the helm.
And, of course, we appreciate everyone who came out and joined us for the listening event!

Brian Moran (guitar) and Bob Crawford (piano) doing their thing.
In the end, we were all hard pressed to find anything but joy in hearing these two mics. As noted by Paul Vnuk Jr. in his recent Recording magazine review of the V24, there’s no doubt that this neo-classic belongs in the same family as the venerable vintage European mics of yore including the M251, U47, C12 and the C24.

Brian playing into two lovely mics worth a collective $40-50k! (The C24 makes up most of that!)
There was much discourse regarding what justification exists anymore to spend $20k+ on a vintage C24. One attendee checking Reverb during this discussion announced that the range for old C24s was now from $25k to $39,000(!!).
As always, we’ve created a Soundcloud playlist for direct listening, and provided high-fidelity WAV files for download to compare in your own DAW. Download the hi-res files here!