I’m always being asked to listen to some new piece of equipment, and very seldom do I oblige. But about seven or eight years ago, someone I’d never met (Vanguard co-founder Derek Bargaehr) called and asked if I would listen to a prototype of a large diaphragm tube microphone he was wanting to sell in the thousand-dollar range. I can’t say why, but this time I said, “sure.” He dropped it off at my studio, where it sat for several weeks. When he finally called and asked what I thought, I realized I’d better give it a listen. Over the next several days, I compared it to several of my vintage tube favorites that were valued then between $10,000 to $25,000. I was quite shocked at how well the prototype compared to them!…People are always asking me for an affordable large diaphragm tube microphone, and without hesitation, I tell them about the Vanguard V13. Everyone I have recommended it to has bought it and loves it.