I’ve had a number of people ask me to explain what the variable-voltage control of our new V14 Tube Condenser does. I figured instead of a boring technical article that makes you want to claw your eyes out, I could shoddily produce a video which makes you feel the same way in far less time!
Between the 9 voltage settings, the 9 polar patterns, and the 3 voicing switches, the V14 will capture a huge range of sources. Here’s another video of Matt Anderson of Millsounds Studio doing exactly that. First he tries to match his AEA R88 Ribbon microphone with the V14, and then takes it to the opposite extreme – a bright, punchy condenser with a ton of detail.
You can save $500 on the V14 during our BLACK FRIDAY ALL MONTH sale. If you’ve been looking for your mic locker’s crown jewel, now’s the time to grab a V14 from our shop or one of our dealers!